5 Foods That You Should Include In Your Diet During Early Pregnancy


Pregnancy is the most important phase of a woman’s life. Though this phase comes with a lot of nausea, vomiting, hormonal changes and many more things, yet the ability to rear a new life within oneself is something exceptional. However, not all women conceive at a proper age. There are a lot of women who conceive at a very early age and much before they are ready. In such cases, the mothers need to take utmost care to deliver a healthy baby, and there is no other supplement to it other than a healthy diet. 

Here are a few foods that a woman expecting her first child should definitely include during the early stages of pregnancy:

Dairy products

During pregnancy, both the mother and the child need a good amount of calcium and protein. Dairy products like milk, yoghurt, cheese and tofus are a must-have in one’s diet. Due to morning sickness and nausea, the consumption of dairy products might lead to vomiting. In order to avoid this problem, dairy products can be consumed in the form of a smoothie or parfaits. 


As already discussed, when a mother is carrying a child within herself, she needs a good amount of proteins. There can be no better substitute for protein other than an egg or chicken. Eggs are also a good source of choline, which is very much vital during the early pregnancy phase.  These sources of protein help in the development of the brain and in avoiding abnormalities of the brain and spine. If the mothers are trying to avoid non-vegetarian sources of protein, then soyabeans, chickpeas and peanuts would also be a great alternative. 

Omega -3 rich foods

Foods such as fish oil supplements, flaxseed oil, walnuts and fishes such sardines, mackerels, tuna, salmon are high sources of Omega 3 fatty acids and these foods are very much important for the neurological and brain development of the child. 


In the early stages of pregnancy, including fruits in the diet would benefit the baby in its own way. For example, apricots and avocadoes would be a good source of Vitamin A, C and E, calcium, iron. Having iron-rich foods can prevent the child from anaemia. Including a fruit like pear in the diet would provide a good amount of fiber and potassium. Consuming fiber-rich food would ease out the problem of constipation, during pregnancy.


Green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach, vegetables like broccoli, carrot, beetroot, pok choy, etc., are a storehouse of nutrients. The benefits that these vegetables would provide are fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, iron, calcium, folate and potassium. Having these vegetables in the diet would also help in avoiding constipation as they are rich in fiber as well.

Apart from including all these foods, which would nourish the growth and development of the child, it is very much important for the mother to stay hydrated all the time.

Also going for proper checking and scan of the baby during the early stages of pregnancy is a must. Window to the Womb, Watford provides multiple offers and discounts on such scans and has highly trained doctors and professionals. 


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