5 Foods That You Should Include In Your Diet During Early Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most important phase of a woman’s life. Though this phase comes with a lot of nausea, vomiting, hormonal changes and many more things, yet the ability to rear a new life within oneself is something exceptional. However, not all women conceive at a proper age. There are a lot of women who conceive at a very early age and much before they are ready. In such cases, the mothers need to take utmost care to deliver a healthy baby, and there is no other supplement to it other than a healthy diet. Here are a few foods that a woman expecting her first child should definitely include during the early stages of pregnancy: Dairy products During pregnancy, both the mother and the child need a good amount of calcium and protein. Dairy products like milk, yoghurt, cheese and tofus are a must-have in one’s diet. Due to morning sickness and nausea, the consumption of dairy products might lead to vomiting. In order to avoid this problem, dairy products can be consumed in the...